Taikoz 4tet Live!

Performace Type: Mainstage

View Highlights on VIMEO

Designed for more intimate spaces, Taikoz 4tet Live! gives the audience the opportunity to hear and feel the rhythm and emotion as the players do – it’s very much a close-up and personal experience! While Live! can be performed in a standard theatre setting with all the production ‘bells and whistles’, the program is easily transferable to a community hall or small performance studio. The program is just as varied as a typical large ensemble program by including shinobue (bamboo flute), percussion, voice and movement alongside a wide variety of taiko. And being more flexible in terms of player numbers and freight (i.e. no 6-tonne trucks involved!) Taikoz can enjoy the privilege of performing to regional audiences outside of the city and large regional centres.

See "Click for Tech Specs" below for information PDFs. The information relates to a typical small-medium size venue. However, technical specifications can be modified for different spaces. 



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    DOJO LIVE! 3-concert series

    29 Jun to 23 Nov 2025

    Taikoz’s creative fires are burning! And to celebrate our continuing creativity, we are presenting a series of three concerts in our Ultimo...


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    DOJO LIVE! 3-concert series

    29 Jun to 23 Nov 2025

    Taikoz’s creative fires are burning! And to celebrate our continuing creativity, we are presenting a series of three concerts in our Ultimo...

    Taikoz 4tet Live!

    Performace Type: Mainstage

    View Highlights on VIMEO

    Designed for more intimate spaces, Taikoz 4tet Live! gives the audience the opportunity to hear and feel the rhythm and emotion as the players do – it’s very much a close-up and personal experience! While Live! can be performed in a standard theatre setting with all the production ‘bells and whistles’, the program is easily transferable to a community hall or small performance studio. The program is just as varied as a typical large ensemble program by including shinobue (bamboo flute), percussion, voice and movement alongside a wide variety of taiko. And being more flexible in terms of player numbers and freight (i.e. no 6-tonne trucks involved!) Taikoz can enjoy the privilege of performing to regional audiences outside of the city and large regional centres.

    See "Click for Tech Specs" below for information PDFs. The information relates to a typical small-medium size venue. However, technical specifications can be modified for different spaces. 



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