The Flower is the Mind, the seed is technique.
Zeami Fushikaden (The Transmission of Style and the Flower)
Noh playwright and theoretician Zeami wrote these words in his once secret 15th Century treatise Fushikaden. In the first chapter, Zeami describes the seven periods of an artist’s life and work which, in terms of Noh, begins at the tender age of 7! In a happy coincidence, Taikoz and guest artists closely associated with the ensemble embrace all seven of Zeami’s ‘ages of the artist’. And so, from youngster to elder, Seven Flowers explores the many faceted phases of an artist’s life and work.
Featuring new works by Swiss composer Fritz Hauser (Shong), Western Australia’s Stuart James (Kinabuhi | Kamatayon) and Taikoz’s Artistic Director Ian Cleworth (The Place Where Nothing Is Done), Seven Flowers combines spectacular taiko drumming with beautiful song, dynamic movement, colourful percussion, and an evocative stage design by artists Bart Groen and Emma Hack.
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Author: ICle
Author: ICle
Keep up to date with all Taikoz new by subscribing to our newsletter
Author: ICle
Author: ICle
The Flower is the Mind, the seed is technique.
Zeami Fushikaden (The Transmission of Style and the Flower)
Noh playwright and theoretician Zeami wrote these words in his once secret 15th Century treatise Fushikaden. In the first chapter, Zeami describes the seven periods of an artist’s life and work which, in terms of Noh, begins at the tender age of 7! In a happy coincidence, Taikoz and guest artists closely associated with the ensemble embrace all seven of Zeami’s ‘ages of the artist’. And so, from youngster to elder, Seven Flowers explores the many faceted phases of an artist’s life and work.
Featuring new works by Swiss composer Fritz Hauser (Shong), Western Australia’s Stuart James (Kinabuhi | Kamatayon) and Taikoz’s Artistic Director Ian Cleworth (The Place Where Nothing Is Done), Seven Flowers combines spectacular taiko drumming with beautiful song, dynamic movement, colourful percussion, and an evocative stage design by artists Bart Groen and Emma Hack.