
Taikoz 20th Year and '20' Series

Author: Ian Cleworth

Date: Wed 01 Mar 2017

Taikoz turns 20...  and that's something to beat a drum about!

With many thanks to our loyal audiences, to our many dedicated students of taiko, and to friends...


The Beauty Of 8 / Melbourne Recital Centre... it's a wrap!

Author: ICle

Date: Wed 15 Feb 2017

Thank you to all Melburnians (& everyone from other places, too) who came and saw The Beauty Of 8. It was a pleasure & privilege to perform with Riley & Chieko on such a wonderful...


Chieko Kojima Onna-Uchi Workshops

Author: ICle

Date: Mon 30 Jan 2017

Those who have seen Kodo Distinguished Member Chieko Kojima perform on the taiko know that she combines tremendous grace and power with musical sensitivity and a very nuanced sound... it is...


SOLD OUT "The Beauty of 8" Melbourne AsiaTopa Performance

Author: Emma

Date: Wed 25 Jan 2017

We are proud to announce that our performance on the 11th of February at the Melbourne Recital Hall for the AsiaTopa festival is a sell out.
Thanks Melbourne for such great support...


Chi Udaka India - It's A Wrap!

Author: ICle

Date: Sun 04 Dec 2016

Well, we've all arrived back home now after our epic 'Chi Udaka' tour. People said that India is a feast for the senses and they were not wrong! The people were invariably warm and welcoming, the...


Off to India!

Author: ICle

Date: Fri 11 Nov 2016

Chi Udaka rehearsals have finished, instruments have flown the coop, and Taikoz/Lingalayam cast and crew have Air India tickets in hand ready for departure. The production opens in Bangalore...



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Taikoz 20th Year and '20' Series

Author: Ian Cleworth

Date: Wed 01 Mar 2017

Taikoz turns 20...  and that's something to beat a drum about!

With many thanks to our loyal audiences, to our many dedicated students of taiko, and to friends...


The Beauty Of 8 / Melbourne Recital Centre... it's a wrap!

Author: ICle

Date: Wed 15 Feb 2017

Thank you to all Melburnians (& everyone from other places, too) who came and saw The Beauty Of 8. It was a pleasure & privilege to perform with Riley & Chieko on such a wonderful...


Chieko Kojima Onna-Uchi Workshops

Author: ICle

Date: Mon 30 Jan 2017

Those who have seen Kodo Distinguished Member Chieko Kojima perform on the taiko know that she combines tremendous grace and power with musical sensitivity and a very nuanced sound... it is...


SOLD OUT "The Beauty of 8" Melbourne AsiaTopa Performance

Author: Emma

Date: Wed 25 Jan 2017

We are proud to announce that our performance on the 11th of February at the Melbourne Recital Hall for the AsiaTopa festival is a sell out.
Thanks Melbourne for such great support...


Chi Udaka India - It's A Wrap!

Author: ICle

Date: Sun 04 Dec 2016

Well, we've all arrived back home now after our epic 'Chi Udaka' tour. People said that India is a feast for the senses and they were not wrong! The people were invariably warm and welcoming, the...


Off to India!

Author: ICle

Date: Fri 11 Nov 2016

Chi Udaka rehearsals have finished, instruments have flown the coop, and Taikoz/Lingalayam cast and crew have Air India tickets in hand ready for departure. The production opens in Bangalore...



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