
Welcome Back!

Author: ICle

Date: Wed 05 Aug 2020

I can’t tell you how happy I am to be writing this note. Of course, we’re always happy to see everyone back in the dojo after a holiday break, but this time, it has extra depth of...


Digital Dojo, Torque and Beyond

Author: ICle

Date: Mon 27 Jul 2020

We finished our first season of recording for Digital Dojo last Friday lunchtime and made way for our Synergy mates, Adam Jeffrey, Josh Hill, Tim Brigden and Niki Johnson, to film a movement...


Digital Dojo on the go!

Author: ICle

Date: Tue 14 Jul 2020

Second day of filming for our new educational platform - Digital Dojo! Claudia recorded a 7-lesson module on learning an ensemble piece called Kazan (supported by Sophia &...


Seven Flowers: Thank you to you... & Zeami!

Author: ICle

Date: Fri 03 Jul 2020

Thank you to all who attended our Seven Flowers digital premiere last Saturday night. We had people tuning in from all over Australia, as well as from the USA, Japan, England...


Medidation Marathon - Full Performance

Author: Taikoz

Date: Sun 28 Jun 2020

For those who missed our online stream of the wonderfully transfixing Meditation Marathon, or would like to watch again, you can view the full performance by clicking on the link below....


Meditation Marathon: Thankyou for joining us!

Author: ICle

Date: Wed 24 Jun 2020

Thank you to everyone who participated in Meditation Marathon last Sunday. And by this, I mean all of you who watched, listened & joined in at home. By the number of messages we've...



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Welcome Back!

Author: ICle

Date: Wed 05 Aug 2020

I can’t tell you how happy I am to be writing this note. Of course, we’re always happy to see everyone back in the dojo after a holiday break, but this time, it has extra depth of...


Digital Dojo, Torque and Beyond

Author: ICle

Date: Mon 27 Jul 2020

We finished our first season of recording for Digital Dojo last Friday lunchtime and made way for our Synergy mates, Adam Jeffrey, Josh Hill, Tim Brigden and Niki Johnson, to film a movement...


Digital Dojo on the go!

Author: ICle

Date: Tue 14 Jul 2020

Second day of filming for our new educational platform - Digital Dojo! Claudia recorded a 7-lesson module on learning an ensemble piece called Kazan (supported by Sophia &...


Seven Flowers: Thank you to you... & Zeami!

Author: ICle

Date: Fri 03 Jul 2020

Thank you to all who attended our Seven Flowers digital premiere last Saturday night. We had people tuning in from all over Australia, as well as from the USA, Japan, England...


Medidation Marathon - Full Performance

Author: Taikoz

Date: Sun 28 Jun 2020

For those who missed our online stream of the wonderfully transfixing Meditation Marathon, or would like to watch again, you can view the full performance by clicking on the link below....


Meditation Marathon: Thankyou for joining us!

Author: ICle

Date: Wed 24 Jun 2020

Thank you to everyone who participated in Meditation Marathon last Sunday. And by this, I mean all of you who watched, listened & joined in at home. By the number of messages we've...



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